Welcome to Skylou Montessori

Where we provide a peaceful, safe and caring environment where children are able to grow and have fun all at the same time

Join Skylou Montessori

Skylou offers a safe, calm and relaxed environment for children aged from 4 months - 6 years.

Montessori children have high levels of motivation, self-discipline, independence and confidence, which help them to reach their full potential. As each class has an excellent teacher / learner ratio, children get individually presented exercises and assistance. Socially, we strive to assist the child to interact with others with assertiveness, confidence and compassion.

Putting our children first

Great emphasis is placed on respect for the child, no matter how small, respect for others and respect for the environment. The aim is for the child to be motivated and disciplined from within. The daily interaction between the older and younger children give them the advantage of observing conflict resolution and other social skills at their level of understanding and stage development.

Children work at their own pace and are not pressured to achieve what others in their age group are achieving.